Team Oulu is complete!

Dear readers…

Now it’s for real… TEAM OULU is complete; Lore arrived Saturday evening. Whoop whoop

So, we are guessing that you’re already very curious about our following adventures.

Let us begin with looking back and at the previous story where it ended with some excited and also nervous feelings for the orientation days. Well, Laurence can say that she has done well; she survived! To summarize; a lot of practical information, a tour around the campus, student Union OSAKO and Erasmus Student network (ESN) telling us all about the great stuff for this semester, getting to know each other by creating personal profiles in pairs and… However, the actual lessons start on Thursday.

On Friday evening, Laurence and a German friend were guided by their tutors through Oulu.

The day after that, Laurence ‘risked her life’ by jogging through the snow. That went surprisingly well! In the afternoon she went to a party from ESN. Getting to know the other Erasmus-people by playing in the snow. We had lunch with typical finnish Karjalanpiirakka (rice pies).You should really try that out, you know…. And ended the day by going to the sauna alternated by dashing through the snow! (Yeah, we did it the Finnish way :p )

Then, as already said; Lore arrived in the evening.

“Sunrise, sunrise, it’s like morning in your eyes…” Sunday, we woke up (for the first time) with the sun.

We went to see the public library. We were glad to find some English books. We ate pancakes; normal size, but it wasn’t our (Belgian) normal size. They eat so much; we were stuffed like a turkey on Thanksgiving!

In the evening we went to a jam session in a local pub.

Today, Laurence went to ‘Kauppahalli’. It’s a foodmarket like the ‘holy food market in Gent, but less fancy.

Although we’ve been here a few days or almost a week… we still have that vacation feeling; don’t realise that we are ‘stuck’ here for 5 months But it will be fine!

We listen already at Haloo Helsinki; a Finnish well known band! You can listen with us, if you want

Kind regards

Lore & Laurence


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